Press releases / Press statements

Press conference / Press statement Feb 15th 2024.

Press statement.

Press conference held on Thursday, February 15th at 11:00 a.m. at the Lincoln Capitol building, Lincoln, NE.



Which translates to (In the Name of Allah) the most merciful, and the most compassionate.


My name is Mohammed Rasheed, and I am here to represent the Nebraska Muslim Services organization.


Good morning and Islamic greeting to you all, which is,

Asslamwalaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakathu (which translates to may Peace, and the blessings of Allah (God) be upon you).


I would like to thank organizers and volunteers who gathered here to address a humanitarian catastrophe which is unfolding in Gaza Palestine.


As the speakers before me have highlighted the current situation in Gaza Palestine has now worsen and is a huge humanitarian crisis while Israeli government is committing a genocide against Palestinians.


Here are some glaring realities occurring in Gaza Palestine:


·        No place is safe in Gaza. Places like Hospitals, Schools, UN camps, residential complexes, population centers have been relentlessly bombed in past 130 days.

·        The entire population of Gaza (2.2 million) is at risk of famine due to Israeli bombing and Israeli government is preventing food and humanitarian aid from reaching the people of Gaza. Starvation is being used as a weapon of war in Gaza.

·        To remind people, Gaza is 25 miles long and 10 km wide.

·        Israeli military is killing around 250 Palestinians per day which exceeds the daily death toll of any other major conflict in recent years.

·        According to military experts and Euro-Med Human rights monitor group, Israel has dropped more than 25,000 tons of explosives on Gaza which is equivalent to two nuclear bombs.

·        All this death and destruction is nothing short of destruction of whole population of Gaza which is inflicted deliberately. No one is spared, not even newborn babies.

·        Now Israel is launching bombardment on Rafah, which a temporary tent city where more than a million Gazans have taken refuge.

·        Journalist, medical personnel, and aid workers are targeted and killed.

·        Genocidal intent is shown by the way Israeli military is launching its campaign and followed by comments made by the leaders from Israel.


 What we are asking as Citizens of the United States and representatives of Nebraska Muslim Services is:


·        The state of Israel shall immediately suspend its military operations in and against Gaza.

·        The placing of irregular armed units which are operating in the West Bank should also discontinue.

·        The state of Israel in accordance with their obligations under the convention of the prevention of the crime of genocide shall take all actions to prevent genocide in Gaza.

·        The state of Israel should prevent forced expulsion and displacement of people of Gaza.

·        The state of Israel should stop depriving Gaza population of food, water and electricity as well as preventing medical supplies from reaching the population.



Let me quote a verse from Holy Book Quran:

 (Surah Al-Maidan 32:107).  Where God (Allah) says “Killing one innocent sole is like killing entire mankind and saving one sole is like saving mankind entirely.”

We also condemn the loss of innocent life of Israeli citizens and concerned about the hostages in Gaza. As we condemn all the innocent people dying in Gaza due to the unjust and disproportionate response of the Israeli government.


As Martin Luther King Jr.  Once said “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” is truly applicable now.


We hope and pray all governments, including the US government, US congressmen and women, senators and council men and women in the state of Nebraska act to change the situation in Gaza and provide justice to the people of Gaza. America has been a beacon of hope and freedom for the world and America should stand strong behind a two-state solution.


Finally, on behalf of the Nebraska Muslim Services. I would like to conclude by saying thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak.


God bless you all!


Mohammed Rasheed

President (Nebraska Muslim Services).

December 22nd 2023. 

Press statement

This Press conference was held on Friday December 22nd at 9:30 a.m. at the New Life Presbyterian Church, 4060 Pratt Street, Omaha.


Bismillah-ir-Rahman Niraheem


Which translates to (In the Name of Allah) the most merciful, and the most compassionate.


My name is Saleh Qulagi, and I am here to represent the Nebraska Muslim Services. First off, I would like to thank you. To all the organizers who helped gather the community and all the congregational religious leaders here today from all aspects of faith.


Further, I would also like to thank all the panelists, members of all organizations and volunteers who are here truly to stand strong with humanity.


I would like to begin my speech with an Islamic greeting.

Asslamwalaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu (which translates to may Peace, mercy, and the blessings of Allah be upon you.


my dear respected brothers and sisters.


It’s been a tough year, one full of loss, pain, and struggle for so many people around the world, particularly Palestine. As I speak to you, there are innocent civilians being killed, severely injured or have been displaced. As of today, more than 18k people have been killed mostly children and women. This is a genocide and war crime happening before our very eyes. History will remember this crime committed by Israel in the name of Hamas (A resistance movement group) and this act of crime by Israel which isn’t justifiable at all.


Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been killed or injured and more than 1 million have been internally displaced in a catastrophe that looms larger than the nakba (the Arabic term for the events of 1948, when many Palestinians were displaced from their homeland by the creation of the new state of Israel) there’s nothing to hide and the world know this.


Equally I condemn with utmost seriousness the killing of every innocent Israeli citizen and extend my condolence to their respective grieved families, suffering pain for the loss of their loved ones. This I do because Allah Commanded Muslims to stand firmly for Justice in Holy Qur'an in Sura Nisa: Sura # 04 Aayat # 135. This Aayat of Qur'an has been even put on the Main Entrance of the Law College in Harvard University in USA. This condolence for innocent Israeli families I extend because I believe and am committed to follow Prophet Muhammad PBUH The Messenger of Allah who taught love and Mercy not just towards Muslims but even towards innocent non-Muslims.


Let me quote an Aayat from Holy Book Quran:

wama arsalnaka illa rehmatallil alameen" (Surah Al-Anbya 21:107). means: And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the world.


Every day is the worst day for some family or someone on the ground. We are as a community every day grieving every attack as if it’s an attack on us, on our families, on us as individuals.


It’s so essential on this moment to center Palestinian voices. Unfortunately, Corporate, and mainstream media does not allow us to speak against Israel, that’s why it is so important to share and spread the word about Palestinians to support thru the alternate media that does give Palestinian a platform to amplifies their voice and allows them to tell their stories.


Finally, on behalf of the Nebraska Muslim Services. I would like to conclude my speech by saying thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak and stand strong with humanity.


We will never forget, we will never stop sharing and spreading the word of Free Palestine!


I Pray Allah to Bless all of us, Bless all of you AND I Pray Allah to Bless America by His Will & Decree. Aameen


Saleh Qulagi

Vice President

Nebraska Muslim Services